______ is a community of international students and a registered student organization at ____________. We welcome people from all nations and backgrounds for events and discussions about the things that matter most in life. We hope we can become part of your international family while you study in the US! Text color: #6D6E71
Fall Conference
Join us for this special event! |
Large Group
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Small Group Bible Studies
Text here.
Prayer Meetings
More text here.
John Smith This group has been my international family for the three years I've studied in the US! I'm a Christian from ______ and have grown so much in my faith through the Bible studies and ______.
Staff name: As the staff advisor to the group... Bold light Hopeful Blue color is #A3DCE9: I'm from a Muslim country and was skeptical about Christians. I was surprised how generous, kind, and loving this group has been. They helped me _____. I now have new friends from 12 countries! I hope you consider being part of our group! I |